
Futures Thinking is a powerful approach to realising a better future, but we don't all approach learning the same way. Depending on what will work for you and your team, this content can be shared in different ways.

From books, podcast interviews, coaching to keynote presentations, workshops and webinars, there are many ways to embrace this new mindset.

Let us know what works for you and we can craft a unique solution.

Different Platforms and Delivery Methods

Almost all of the content is available to be customised for your specific needs, or to relate to trends and challenges in your profession or industry.

For example, a book on ‘Becoming the Conscious Futurist the World Needs Now’ could include a message from your sponsor as well as an introduction to the launch of your new ESG campaign and be printed with your company logo.

The scales below indicate roughly how the content compares with each other, in terms of how much time your team will need to invest on that engagement, as well as the relative costs of the approaches.

Books and Ebooks

Most of the topics are in book and ebook format. Please enquire if you do not see a title available that you are interested in.

Books are also available to be branded with sponsor or event details as gifts for delegates or staff.

Time Impact


Standard Keynote presentations are done in person and are available to be fully customised to the event and audience. Bespoke content can also be designed.

This is the best option for conferences or live events.

Research, travel and accommodation requirements are considered in the price.

Time Impact

Webinar / Online Keynote

Webinar or online Keynote presentations are a faster way to deliver content, especially for teams. There are standard topics but each online presentation can be personalised to the client or audience’s needs and industry.

Delivery is done on the client’s platform of choice.

Time Impact


Workshops are best done in person as we dig deeper into the content and tools, and skills are developed.

Workshops should be at least 1 full day, preferably 2 days.

Research, travel and accommodation requirements are considered in the price.

Time Impact

Online Courses

Online Courses are a great way to follow up an investment in a workshop or keynote so that participants can reinforce the learning and clarify their understanding of the topic.

Online content is pre-recorded and manageable in smaller segments of time.

Standard content is available, and customisation or new, bespoke content can also be prepared for the audience’s needs.

Time Impact


A futures-focussed mindset is not developed in a single engagmeent. Especially for leaders steering their teams into the future and through disruptions, this comprehensive coaching program will help them to navigate the unknowns. 

The program considers the Mindset, Skill-set and Tool set required for Futures Thinking but any relevant issues will be covered where necessary.

Coaching is done both in private and group sessions, and group sessions can be arranged for in-house groups or teams.

Time Impact