Moonshot thinking is an approach to innovation and problem-solving that aims for radical, transformative solutions rather than incremental improvements. It involves setting extremely ambitious goals that may seem impossible at first glance, and then working to achieve them through breakthrough technologies or novel approaches.
Google’s Project Loon
A real-world example of moonshot thinking is Google’s Project Loon, which aimed to provide internet access to remote areas using high-altitude balloons. While the project was eventually shut down, it exemplified the moonshot approach by attempting to solve a complex problem with an innovative, incredible solution.
Ask yourself
- What seemingly impossible goal would revolutionise my field or solve a major global problem?
- If resources were unlimited, what audacious project would I undertake?
- How can I reframe current limitations as opportunities for groundbreaking innovation?
- What conventional wisdom in my industry needs to be challenged?
- How can I foster a culture that encourages bold, unconventional thinking?
A Google Loon Balloon
(Feel free to quietly repeat that like a crazy little mantra. No one can stop you!)

- Scenario Planning: To envision radically different futures
- Backcasting: To work backwards from an ambitious goal
- Design Thinking: To approach problems from new angles
- Futures Wheel: To explore the potential impacts of moonshot ideas
- Blue Ocean Strategy: To create uncontested market space